Detention of the Trauma
               Failed Architecture
               Colonial Ghost
               Sunken Memories
               A Catalogue of a Border Island’s Defensives
               Landscaping from History
               The vanishing Portraits  -  Kinmen
               The vanishing Portraits  -  Taiwan
               The vanishing Portraits  -  Turkey
               The vanishing Portraits  -  Germany


    The vanishing Portraits  -  Kinmen

    2012 - 2016

    The vanishing Portraits, Jin-Cheng Wang Western-style Building, Kinmen, 2016
    The vanishing Portraits, Fang-Chien Hsueh Western-style Building, Kinmen, 2016
    The vanishing Portraits, Western-style Building II, Kinmen, 2016
    The vanishing Portraits, Yung Ho Western-style, 2016

    金門這座島嶼,由於其重要的戰略位置成為兵家常爭之地。1937 年金門曾為日軍所佔,二次大戰後由中華民國收回,1949 年爆發古寧頭戰役後進入軍管時期,1958 年爆發八二三砲戰,一直到1992 年才解除戒嚴。 作為國共內戰時期堅守台灣的重要防線,經歷四十多年漫長的戒嚴時期,和三十六年的戰地政務實驗。島上特殊的軍事遺跡和景觀因而被完整保留至今,成為過往戰亂歷史的見證。


    Kinmen Island often becomes a war target and conflict zone due to its strategic importance. It was occupied by the Japanese in 1937, and returned to the Republic of China after World War II. It entered the Military control period after the outbreak of the Guningtou Battle in 1949, and the 823 Artillery Bombardment took place in 1958. Not until 1992 the martial law period was lifted. As the critical frontier of defending Taiwan during the civil war period, it has suffered from more than 40 years of long martial law period, and 36 years of battle field administrative experiments. Therefore the unique military heritages and landscapes of the Island are preserved and become the witness of its previous war history.

    There are more than a hundred western-style buildings in total on Kinmen Island. The residents used to have difficult lives, therefore they moved to foreign lands of the colonial Southeast Asia. After became rich from successful business, these wealthy expatriates contributed money to their hometowns and built western-style buildings based on what they’ve seen in Southeast Asia. Additionally, Han Chinese culture and local characters are integrated in these architectures. Nonetheless, with the outbreak of war, many of these western-style buildings were occupied by the Japanese and the KMT Army in sequence. The owners of these buildings fled to the foreign lands, and many of them never had the chance to come back. However, the ultimate fate of these western-style buildings who represent status, wealth and knowledge, is to be desolated in the bushes, and gradually eroded and swallowed by the nature. These dilapidated western-style buildings are served as the metaphor and bearer of war history, reflecting the constantly restlessness and turbulent regime changes. They are like the nameless monuments forgotten by the era, while time and space are sealed into these uninhabited buildings.

    The vanishing Portraits, Huei –Huang Huang Western-style Building, Kinmen, 2016

    消逝的肖像 - 金門,Artist’s Book,2016The vanishing Portraits, Kinmen, Artist’s Book, 2016