Detention of the Trauma
               Failed Architecture
               Colonial Ghost
               Sunken Memories
               A Catalogue of a Border Island’s Defensives
               Landscaping from History
               The vanishing Portraits  -  Kinmen
               The vanishing Portraits  -  Taiwan
               The vanishing Portraits  -  Turkey
               The vanishing Portraits  -  Germany


    A Catalogue of a Border Island’s Defensives

    2018 - 2019

    Landscaping from History, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany, 2018


     “A Catalogue of a Border Island’s Defensives” is a sketch project depicting the objects hidden on the island, which had defensive functions during past warfare. However, it seems that the defensive features and functions of these objects mostly fade and are unrecognizable. For instance, the mass growth sisals appear to be natural vegetation, but were actually introduced by the army as counter-air defense, transforming the plants into war weapons. Besides sisals, these sharp, steel and concrete made objects were counter-air and counter-landing defensive lines.


    A Catalogue of a Border Island’s Defensives VII, V, 2019

    Landscaping from History, Ke-Yuan Gallery, Taichung, 2019
                                                                                   一座邊界島嶼的防禦圖鑑IV,X,III,XI ,VIII,2018-2019
    A Catalogue of a Border Island’s Defensives IV, X, III,  XI, VIII, 2018-2019